May 11th, 2024

Spent most of the day out with mom. Went over to Montclair, went to a museum and this coffee place that looked nice. Museum was nice, coffee was good, Montclair itself is a huge pain in the goddamn ass. Getting to it is annoying, driving in it is annoying, and the whole town is on a hill too. Also wanted to get some beans, but by the time I was ready to get back in line it had gotten pretty long and it wasn't moving super fast and I just wanted to get home. I can just order some but it does mean I won't have my own coffee for a few more days. I still have some of the light roast but I don't really like it and I wanna use what I have to clear out the coffee grinder once I clean it.

Also played a good amount of Hades 2 today. Having fun with the game, actually got up to the final boss on my most recent run but I was basically out of resources at that point so it didn't go too well. Still unlocking things, only done about 10 runs so far. Most of my progress is just from being familiar with the first game even if Hades 2 does play a bit differently.